Unique Value Proposition

What makes the program unique is just how non-othering the educational component is.
No longer is mental health a euphemism for mental illness. Mental health actually means mental health.

Who doesn’t need to work on healthier approaches to self, substance, or sexuality? Who doesn’t straddle the line between healthy and unhealthy stress? Who doesn’t struggle in relationships? And who doesn’t fear death? Recognizing that mental health is for all of us tears down the barrier between the “us” and the “them” and reminds us that we truly are all in the same boat.

This program is free of charge to the community, but we do strongly encourage donations; in fact we depend on them to continue to offer high quality programming.

Please reach out to Stuart Katz (stuart@taltours.com, 516-984-8593) for dedication opportunities, and please show up at the events and please consider making a donation to help us assure that the mental health of every one of us belongs to all of us.

Registration Form

Donation Form

Please consider donating to our cause